@mbpilafas newsletter

In the fall of my sophomore year, my prompted Journalism4160- “Social Media Foundations and Practice” course had us create a social media branded account to practice branding anything we’d like. While this was a quick two week project, my creation of my self-branded social media personality @mbpilafas om Instagram is something I still am active on to this day.

This platform has provided me an outlet to curate and create digital news letters to post, learn how to advertise to/build an audience, and story tell through different topics relevant to pop culture, recent news and personal inquiries. I continued to persue this account even after receiving a grade on the assignment in that class because it allows me to continue practicing these skills that are emphasizes through the J-School here at Mizzou! Tap on the image below to visit my page!


Selena Gomez “Single Soon” TikTok Partnership Production


Aerie/AE- Digital Content for local deals, events and campaigns