“A Heart Stopping Bid Day”- Profile Story

In efforts for a project in my Journalism 2200- Audiences and Persuasion course, a friend of mine and sorority sister, Gabby Stellato, allowed me to cover her shocking story of the heart attack that she had the day after her 19th birthday in August 2022. This was also on our sorority’s Bid Day (one of the most chaotic days in Greek Town each year). Not only was this an amazing story to capture and listen to from Stellato, but it allowed me to gain experience conducting multiple interviews, collecting visuals to caption/convey the story, and transcribe audio into print form in the structure of a profile story. This process was elongated over a month as the instructor had us on a new focus each week of curating this entire portfolio of Stellato and her story. Click on the image to access the drive containing all elements of “A Heart Stopping Bid Day”- Gabby Stellato’s Profile Story!


Metea Valley HS Volleyball-Social Media Manager


Selena Gomez “Single Soon” TikTok Partnership Production